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The Art of the Staycation: Exploring Your Local Waters Like a Tourist. - Pier 37 Marina
  • Mon - Sun 8:00AM - 5:00PM
  • 64 Scranton Avenue, Falmouth, MA 02540
  • (508) 540-0123

The Art of the Staycation: Exploring Your Local Waters Like a Tourist.

Even the most seasoned sailors can find themselves itching for a change of scenery. The call of distant ports and exotic coastlines is undeniable. But what if we told you there’s an ocean of adventure in your backyard? It’s time to embrace the staycation and rediscover the familiar waters of your home with a traveler’s fresh eyes.

Shifting Your Perspective

We often overlook the wonders close to home, our minds already charting a course for faraway lands. The art of the staycation lies in changing your perspective. Instead of the seasoned mariner navigating well-known waters, become a wide-eyed tourist eager to soak in every detail that routine voyages may have blurred.

Charting a New (Familiar) Course

Here’s how to create a memorable staycation experience:

  • The Unexplored Cove: Every coastline offers hidden coves and inlets that may have escaped your notice. Chart a course towards these lesser-known spots, bringing an explorer’s curiosity.
  • The Tourist-Trodden Island: Even those islands or beaches you think you know intimately can yield surprises. Approach them like a first-time visitor. Hike trails you usually bypass, picnic on a different stretch of sand, or try a watersport you have yet to explore.
  • The Locals’ Secret Spot: Seek out the fishing harbors, riverside cafes, and secluded swimming holes frequented by the locals. These gems aren’t always on the tourist map but promise an authentic slice of life along your native waters.

Changing the Pace

Besides new destinations, the staycation encourages a change in rhythm.

  • Drop the Anchor: Instead of sailing from point A to point B, linger. Anchor in a picturesque spot and genuinely absorb the surroundings. Swim, read, snorkel, or watch the changing patterns of light on the water.
  • Landlubber Adventures: Explore the communities along your waters. Visit the maritime museum you always pass by, rent a bike and explore coastal paths, or dine at a waterfront restaurant with a reputation for fresh seafood.

The Benefits of Home-Field Advantage

The staycation offers unique perks for the mariner:

  • Insider Knowledge: You possess an invaluable asset – local expertise. Use your in-depth understanding of tides, weather patterns, and hidden hazards to enhance your staycation adventure.
  • Comfort and Convenience: Your vessel, familiar gear, and the ability to sleep in your own bed are taken for granted until they’re absent on a long voyage.
  • A Budget-Friendly Escape:  Staycations minimize travel costs while maximizing the sense of escape.

The Staycation State of Mind

Ultimately, the true pleasure of a staycation lies in the mindset. It’s about slowing down, appreciating the familiar, and cultivating a sense of wonder for the beauty of your local waters. Whether an avid sailor or a maritime enthusiast, embracing the staycation can redefine your relationship with the waters you call home.